基本资料(Basic Information)
分子式(Formula): C3H7ClO
CAS No.: 627-30-5
外观(Appearance): 无色澄明液体
含量(Purity): 99%
包装(Package): 200公斤 / 桶
物化性质(Physical Properties)
沸点 165 ;相对密度 1.1309 ;折射率 1.4459 ;闪点 73 ;溶解性 可溶于水、乙醇
用途:药物合成的重要中间体,可用于多种药物的合成。如:合成氯甲酸-3-氯丙酯;奈非那韦中间体,抗血栓药氯吡格雷中间体。 包装及储存:200 公斤桶装。远离明火、密封、通风储存。
CAS: 627-30-5
Basic information ( Basic Information )Molecular formula ( Formula ): C3H7ClOCAS No.: 627-30-5Quality indicators ( Specification )Appearance: colorless transparent liquid ( Appearance )Content ( Purity ) : 99%Packaging ( Package ): 200 kg / barrelPhysicochemical properties of ( Physical Properties )Boiling point is 165 ; the relative density of 1.1309; refractive index 1.4459; the flash point of 73; solubility soluble in water, ethanolPurpose: important intermediates for synthesis of pharmaceuticals, can be used for a variety of drug synthesis. Such as: synthesis of -3- chloride propyl chloroformate; nelfinavir intermediates, antithrombotic drug clopidogrel intermediates. Packing and storage: 200 kg bottled. Away from the fire, sealing, ventilated storage.